No successful fair without our machines

No successful fair without our machines


"TBB knows how to relieve me of my worries, 
the contact is good and they are flexible. 
for me the ideal partner for the 
transportation of our Windshifters"





Nihot Recycling Technology B.V.
Wendy Wiedijk - marketing officer Nihot



Nihot Recycling Technology is an innovative market leader in the supply of waste separation technologies. Our windshifters are a household name in the global market in terms of quality, capacity and separation efficiency. These are hefty industrial machines that we showcase at various trade fairs in Europe. Not just any old ones! Moreover, machines always have to arrive there on a certain schedule.

For example, 3 separate trucks had to go to Munich for one trade fair, but everything arrived perfectly on schedule. Logistically quite an undertaking; you are not the only one at the trade fair site who wants to unload material. You are also dependent on several parties, but for TBB this is never a problem. Even if something changes at the last minute, we can switch quickly with them. Especially nice if something is not loaded or something extra has to be sent last minute.

If I need to be confident that my equipment will arrive on time, I turn to TBB Express. I know from experience that they relieve me of worries at such hectic times. Contact is always good and they keep me informed about the transport. For me the ideal cooperation.



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Suki - transport planner TBB

With such large machine shipments from Nihot, it is de challenge to interact with different parties. Not only do we have to plan the transport and prepare the route; we also coordinate with different people at the arrival location. A lot of arranging but it always gives me a kick when it all works out.