

An innovative logistics system

Ship-it-Easy is TBB's unique booking system developed by its own IT staff.

We have also thought about sustainability; you determine your own CO2 compensation.

The best price

Yes, they all say that

Determine which courier you will entrust your shipment to and choose the most competitive price or go for the fastest carrier of the moment. That is the power of Ship-it-Easy: real-time comparison of the best rates of the moment. Sometimes, if a carrier wants more shipments to Germany, for example, to fill up its truck, it will temporarily reduce the destination rates. Ship-it-Easy brings up the sharpest rate of the specific moment and you benefit from it! Always the best real-time rates in a row. All you have to do is choose which carrier it will be.

The best price
Where is my shipment?

Where is my shipment?

Real-time insight

Another great advantage is that you always have insight into the status of your shipment via our portal. Are several shipments on their way? Then you will find them in a handy dashboard, clearly arranged side by side.

via the Ship-it-Easy system, shipments are easily arranged online and you keep an eye on the status of your shipment.


How sustainable?

With sustainability in mind, in Ship-it-Easy you determine your desired CO2 compensation for each shipment. The compensation is also registered in the clear system. A unique service in the Netherlands that prepares you for a sustainable future. As a leader in the transport sector, TBB helps develop green logistics solutions. Good for you and for our planet!


This is how TBB's portal works

Self-determination & overview

Compare courier services yourself and choose the best carrier in terms of price, speed or business preference.

TBB does the rest!

1. Fill in everything


Destination location




2. What suits you?

Specify your own criteria and our calculation tool will present the offers of all carriers.

3. Important: No surprises

What you see is what you get!
No additional surcharges afterwards.

4. Make your choice.

Choose a particular carrier or speed; you'll see the various offerings lined up.

5. Book it in

Throughput and booking
it speaks for itself in our portal
Easy, we said

6. We are on the move

A notification when the shipment will be picked up.
Relax, we will do the rest

7. Stay informed

The status, delivery etc. of the shipment can be seen in the portal.

Clever. Check and reference your shipments.


Hello, what is your question?

Naturally, we can also be reached in person for support and questions about shipments. This is how TBB combines trusted carriers with short lines, the most competitive price, shipping convenience and sustainability. What can we do for you?
