
Customer service at TBB


Everything! I honestly had to get used to 'everything' when I joined TBB. Before that, I had always worked in retail and heard that they were looking for people at TBB. We got talking and I got the chance to learn the trade with them. I have been working in Customer Service for more than six years now, answering our customers both by phone and e-mail. These are questions about ongoing shipments, about how a shipment to a certain country works and, of course, whether certain deadlines are feasible.

Maintaining good contact with our customers is, for me, mainly about making sure that they do not have to worry about any problems that may arise during a shipment. I also make sure that customers never have to wait long for an answer. We like short lines of communication at TBB and we are very alert to that as a team! You also notice that customers just appreciate that. Sometimes I don't have a quick answer, but I do inform them that we are working on it and that it might take a bit longer.

I keep a close eye on our Express shipments and also plan courier trips.

I take care of the delivery of documents when shipments are delayed if necessary. Unfortunately, you sometimes have to deal with claims of damaged or missing parcels, things can go wrong on the road. Not always easy work, but if a customer then sends a nice message and appreciates your efforts around the claim settlement, it is nice to hear. That always gives me the motivation to go for it. To be honest, I don't mind that at all, it suits me."


Fast switching and having your schedule in order is of course important in our work. The nice thing at TBB is our online portal Ship-it-Easy. Here, customers can book shipments themselves and compare prices and various transport options. Very practical. They can also find all shipments together in the portal. That gives a lot of clarity and it saves a lot of time for all parties because a lot of questions are answered very quickly from our system. Fortunately, I still have regular contact with many customers! Sometimes they want to discuss the best method of transport or something is not clear in the portal.

Sustainability also counts in our industry these days
Customer-friendliness, reliability, working in an organised way, perseverance and good planning are the things you have to have when organising courier services and transport. Customers are also increasingly looking at sustainability and are interested in how you, as a transport company, relate to this. At TBB Express, we are convinced that sustainability is a shared responsibility. Our management has put some great initiatives into this including the purchase of electric cars; quite substantial investments. But I must say that our electric Volkswagens in particular, the ID-Buzz Cargo, are very much appreciated. Not only are they beautiful and eye-catching to look at, but it makes a big difference in terms of emissions and that is, of course, the main reason our drivers drive them. 


Transport never stands still, that is a well-known slogan. And I can only confirm that. I have a good time at TBB and hope to work here for a long time to come. Just goes to show that sometimes it is really good to take on a big challenge. For me, switching from working in a butcher's shop to an office job in transport was quite a change. I have learned a lot here and TBB is fortunately also happy with my efforts. We create this good atmosphere together as a team and we help each other when necessary. I think customers also notice this when they deal with us; the nice atmosphere among ourselves radiates to our customers. I'm sure it does!